Week in Review #4 2024

Camp Mah-Kee-NacJul 25, 2024

week in review #4

Another wonderful week at MKN, closing out Session One. We can’t believe summer is more than halfway over, it’s gone by so fast!


As soon as Green & White (color war) ended, the next competition on everyone’s mind was Founder’s Cup. We had two Founder’s Cup events this week, including the big finale. By the time the finals rolled around, the four teams were ready!  The Founders’ Cup Finale, similar to the Tough Mudder, included a series of challenges the teams had to complete back-to-back-to-back.  Most events were fitness related such as army-crawl, tire pull, and fence climb.   At the end of it all, our big winner was Team Kruger – marking 2024 the first year that Kruger has ever won Founder’s Cup!  Congratulations TEAM KRUGER!

We held another much-loved annual event this week – the Canada vs. USA roller hockey game. Those who know how to skate and play are able to participate, while the rest of camp cheers them on. It’s always an intense rivalry, with the “fans” getting just as hyped up as the players! For the 5th year in a row, Canada took home the big win.

Stockbridge Series hosted its final competition with the big Tramp Ball tournament. Everyone loves Tramp Ball, so this event saw a lot of participants and some hard-core determination. We’ll be calculating the cumulative results soon to declare one final Stockbridge Series winner. 

Some of our Upper Seniors (USR) headed out for an overnight hike to Mt. Savoy.  The hike left camp around 2pm.  Once the boys arrived at the Mountain, they hiked through North Pond trail and then set up camp and collected wood for cooking meals.  Hamburgers and potatoes for dinner, followed by s’mores for dessert.  The camped out, even through a rain storm that night.  The next morning they prepared eggs, toast, and oatmeal for breakfast.  The they broke down camp, packed up and hiked to a swimming area to play an cook lunch.  Pasta, tomato sauce, and baguettes for lunch.  They finally arrived back at camp later in the afternoon, and boy were they ready for a good shower!  Lots of fun was had!


On Thursday night, it was time for the annual Camp Sing, which always marks the end of Session One. Each division (Navajo, Mohican, etc.) came together to craft lyrics, set to a hit tune, explaining why their bunk/group is the best on camp. Then, they perform their songs and cheers for the whole camp. After some very entertainment performances, Algonquin – our second oldest campers – took home the Sing trophy with their rendition of, “Rather Be”.

At the end of the week, we sadly said goodbye to anyone leaving after four weeks and hello to new campers joining us for second session. All our seven-weekers went on a trip day – some headed to a park for a picnic and lake play, while others hit a Mini Golf course. And they all got to see Despicable Me 4.

After everyone had settled back in, we gathered for our weekly huddle and showed the video of our “four-week review”. It was a great recap for our existing campers, while our new arrivals got excited for what’s to come.  We also re-did the opening ceremonies and once again recited our camp oath, led by the Senecas.  


That’s it for week four. Don’t forget, you can get updated news every day on MKN Today here, and read about the daily happenings at camp!